Make it art.

Stay in your style, express your leadership, bring your body of work to life.

Hi, I’m Brooke Hofsess, leadership coach & mentor.

Here’s the truth about women in leadership ~

We don’t have gaps or deficits in our skill sets; We have ways of leading that are perpetually overlooked and undervalued.

Instead of trying to fit ourselves into existing leadership positions and principles, we need to make leadership reflect more of who we are.

I call this kind of leading Self-Expressed Leadership. 

By stepping fully into their Self-Expressed Leadership, my clients have published books, launched second careers, started businesses, developed visibility and brand strategies, landed competitive positions, exhibited and sold artwork, created momentum on big projects, earned tenure, and planned sabbaticals—while strengthening their creativity, relationships, and networks.

I created this work for~

“A generation of women who step forward with the truth of heartfelt contribution and get pushed and pulled back, told in myriad ways to stay in our place, fulfill the simple prescribed roles that can only benefit patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism."

— adrienne maree brown

Here’s what I want you to know:

Self-Expressed Leadership leverages your creativity, wisdom, and power so you can fully express your body of work.

Because the problem with your leadership isn’t a deficit in your skillset, it’s that your leadership isn’t truly reflecting who you are.

I developed this methodology through my work supporting women toward fully expressing their leadership.

As you become a Self-Expressed Leader, you’ll learn to embody 5 qualities that deepen the felt sense of your leadership.

These 5 qualities are the guideposts of my leadership coaching partnerships and programs:


    Show up in ways that embody your fullest expression while holding space for the fullest expression of others.


    Partner with forces larger than yourself – such as creativity, justice, care – to alleviate the leadership burden of being a visionary.


    Recognize the cost of not bringing your whole self into your leadership, and close the gap between your inner knowing and your outward actions.


    Evoke the changes you want to see in your industry with more faith that you can navigate through fear.


    Honor your calling without burning out on self-reliance or sacrificing intimacy and community.

“Brooke is the horizon. Her steady guidance supported me through a tumultuous time of transition in my career and life. She kept me focused on my truth and helped me savour sweetness in between the challenges. Dropping into our sessions every fortnight felt like I was surrendering to joy and calm. I will remember our time together with fondness and I unreservedly recommend her as a coach to anyone who is feeling lost and adrift.”

— Helena

Your questions, answered…

Can my employer pay for your services?

Yes, many employers see the benefit of hiring outside coaches for their key and emerging leaders, and are willing to sponsor interested employees. If you plan to request sponsorship, I can provide you with an editable template to send to your supervisor. I am also happy to work directly with your team on invoicing.

Is coaching tax deductible?

It varies, so check with your financial advisor. If you're starting a business as a consultant, for example, coaching costs can be deducted for services that offer support through education and business training.

Who do you coach?

I work with individuals through my signature 1:1 coaching partnership, The Leadership Atelier. I also work with universities invested in elevating leadership and wellbeing through my signature organizational coaching program, GRAVITAS.

What can I expect from a session? 

My coaching is tailor-made to each individual client, but here is a typical session flow. Before your session, you will reflect in your check-in log. This is a great tool that helps create clarity so we can jump in exactly where you want to focus each session. We begin with space for you to unravel key challenges, situations, or decisions. I’ll ask questions that guide you closer to your wisdom, and encourage you to explore at the very kernel of the matter. We will fan the flames of new insights and possibility, and close the call with any next steps or practices emerging from the conversation.

What are your credentials?

I’m a certified transformational leadership coach, ‘Dare to Lead’ trained, and a ‘Playing Big’ facilitator.

I earned a PhD in Art Education (University of Georgia) and an MA in Art & Art Education (Columbia University).

As a leading scholar of mentoring, I’ve published a range of works that reimagine professional learning through creative and relational approaches.

I’m the author of Unfolding Afterglow: Letters and Conversations on Teacher Renewal and the co-author of Reconceptualizing Early Career Teacher Mentoring.

Can I hire you for keynote speaking or workshops?

Yes, I write, coach, speak, and facilitate on the topics of self-expression, paradox, mentoring, belonging, organizational change, and leadership. Book a chat with me here.

Let's stay in touch. Every month, I send you a new edition of Self-Expressed, my email series for women whose way of being in the world is leading.

I write it so that,

~ You remember that you get to be fully expressed.

~ You engage with leadership and self-expression from new perspectives.

~ You get the kind of inspiration that resources you.

    As a feminist coach, I value and prioritize consent. Every email you receive from me has an unsubscribe button in case what I am sending no longer resonates with you.